
Resources to Learn More About Gender-Based Violence

Women and Gender Equality Canada defines Gender-Based Violence (GBV) as: “Violence based on gender norms and unequal power dynamics, perpetrated against someone based on their gender, gender expression, gender identity, or perceived gender. It takes many forms, including physical, economic, sexual, as well as emotional (psychological) abuse.”

Gender-Based Violence is a result of systemic inequities and unequal power dynamics. GBV is based in misogyny and sexism but impacts each of us differently depending on various additional factors–such as our gender identity or expression, our sexual orientation and our race, class or ability. 

GBV is a broad term–it includes both Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and other forms of harm, like street harassment, cat calling, misgendering, and hate-motivated violence. GBV, in its many forms, is prevalent throughout our society. 

Below, we have included some additional information on Gender-Based Violence, and some resources to help further your learning.

GBV 101

Understanding the Prevalence and Unequal Impact of GBV:
  • Three in ten (29%) women 15 to 24 years of age reported having experienced at least one incident of IPV in the 12 months preceding the survey, more than double the proportion found among women between the ages of 25 to 34 or 35 to 44, and close to six times higher than that among women 65 years of age or older.
  • Self-reported data collected in 2018 shows that Indigenous women (61%) were more likely to experience some form of IPV in their lifetime (since the age of 15) compared with non-Indigenous women (44%).
  • Transgender and gender diverse people in Canada were significantly more likely than cisgender people to have been physically or sexually assaulted at least once since age 15 (59% versus 37%, respectively).
  • About one in two LGB+ women (45%) and LGB+ men (47%) were physically assaulted since age 15, significantly more than among heterosexual women (26%) and men (33%)
Learn More about Gender-Based Violence:

Resources on Gender-Based Violence for Youth

Young people have an important role to play in addressing and preventing Gender-Based Violence. GBV is also a reality for many young people, and especially 2SLGBTQIA+ youth. Altogether, this makes it particularly important to support young people through education and skill-building to address and prevent GBV. 

Below, we have included tools and resources to help young people create more 2SLGBTQIA+ spaces, address instances of GBV and support themselves should they be impacted by GBV.

Resources for Service Providers

Service providers play an integral role in addressing and preventing Gender-Based Violence against 2SLGBTQIA+ youth. From supporting young people impacted by GBV, to helping create safer environments that help prevent GBV in the first place, service providers have an integral role to play. 

Below, we have included education and practical resources on addressing and preventing GBV towards 2SLGBTQIA+ youth.

This project has been funded by Women
and Gender Equality Canada: